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It has been one month since the quarantine was enforced. But it all went downhill when his parents were infected by the virus. His parents were taken into a facility when the neighbors found out they had the virus. The facility was in Nevada, the facility was called Area 52.

It has been one day since my parents have been taken. Today at 12:00 p.m., Child Services knocked on my door and talked to me, and they said “Since you have no family right now you are going to go to foster care. You have to be ready in 5 days or we will have to bring you with us.”

The boy: Ok I will be ready by then.

The boy: Well, I’ll be ready to leave this place to find my parents. I still have faith that they are still in good condition and not in bad health.

/5 days later/

Today I woke up at 5:00 a.m., and I am going to grab my stuff and go find a new place to stay for tomorrow.

/Few hours later/

The boy: So I found a place I can stay. It's at an abandoned home and it’s in great condition. It still has some furniture I can sleep on, so I’ll be fine.

Narrator: But the boy did not know that the child services reached out to the police and public to help find him, so the journey will become more intense.

The boy: Now it’s 12:00 p.m. They should be looking for me but I doubt they’ll find me.

The boy: It’s 2:00 p.m. I just heard the door burst open. I think it’s the police but I’m not sure so I hid in a cabinet and hoped they would not find me.

The boy: It’s 5:00 p.m.. So they did not find me but I had to find another place to stay the night. Hours later. I’m going to have to sleep under a bridge tonight but at least I’m outdoors.

The boy: Today, I’m going to steal a car to drive to Nevada hopefully the police won’t follow me.

The boy: So now I have a car. Currently I am 4 hours away and I am still in the city so I have to get out of the city quickly.

The boy: I just got pulled over by the police because they found out the car was stolen, but there was suddenly a riot and everybody was screening, “We need toilet paper!” Also screaming, “Give us our freedom!” And all the police had to go and hold the riot, so lucky I got away. There are still 30 minutes left and I could see Las Vegas, but something was wrong. There were fires and barely any lights. I realized that there were riots all over the world. I slowly drove by the city.30 minutes later. So now I’m near Area 52 and, surprisingly, nobody was there. It was a ghost town. The guards were gone. No military. Nothing. So I drove to the main facility as got out of the car and walked in the door and there was nothing.

I just saw people laying down lifeless. There were many rooms filled with stuff and aliens, but I saw a room with my parents' names on the door, so I opened it and I saw no movement. I turned on the heartbeat sensor and there was only one heartbeat, but who is it?

 It’s going to have to be another story for another day.

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